Black Friday offer - Adventurister Dark watch +10% price increase
This year, we’ve decided not to have any discount sales on Black Friday or Black Friday Week. We do not want to encourage people to buy products just because of a good offer, because buying unnecessary products very unsustainable for our planet.
We want to take a stand on Black Friday and make consumers think about their spending habits, especially on days like Black Friday, by raising the price of our Adventurister Dark watch by 10% from Monday to Friday 22.11.-26.11.2021.
The price increase applies to our Adventurister Dark watch with all strap options:
Adventurister Dark with mesh strap 209€ -> 229.90€
Adventurister Dark with reindeer leather strap 249€ -> 273.90€
Adventurister Dark with mesh and reindeer leather straps 289€ -> 317.90€
The offer doesn't apply to other watches, unfortunately.
A good deed costs - Donate money instead of your time
Instead of organizing a Black Friday sale, we want to be involved in supporting our values and do a good deed. Mental health affects us all. Especially in the darkest time of the year, when the sun is not visible for weeks, the general positivity is easily overshadowed by depression. So what better time to raise funds to support mental health than Black Friday.
We chose MIELI Mental Health Finland as a charity. MIELI Ry does important work to promote mental health in Finland. For every Adventurister Dark watch sold during Black Friday week (22.11.-26.11.), we will donate 20% of the price of the watch to the charity.
By purchasing a Rohje Adventurister Dark watch with a mesh or reindeer leather strap, you are involved in supporting the important work of MIELI Ry!